March 21, 2023
I have created a new song in planning. But when I go into music stand it doesn't show the second page for the rest of the lyrics or all the slides for the second page on presenter
March 21, 2023
I just went into presenter and created lyrics for a new song And saved it. Then I went into to insert the cords and saved it. Now all the lyrics show up in music stand and presenter. So what value is the create a new a new song in planning since it won't show all the lyrics in music stand or presenter.
March 21, 2023
In Planning, there's a specific order in which you need to add the lyrics and chords. The Lyrics tab = Presenter slides in which each "Section" is a new slide (so, typically, people put 2-4 lines per section/slide). The Chords tab = Music Stand chord charts.
Fill out all your lyrics first, then navigate to the Chords tab and click "Edit." It will draw all the lyrics from the Lyrics tab and fill them into the ChordPro editor so that all you have left to do is to fill in your chords. But this auto-fill only happens the first time you open the ChordPro renderer. If you prematurely hit that Chords > Edit button, it will bring in only the Lyrics you have filled out at that time and after that, any changes to the Lyrics tab will not be reflected on the Music Stand side. If you make any changes to Lyrics after that, and you want those changes reflected in Music Stand, you'll have to open the ChordPro editor and mirror those changes there too.
I took a look at your account, and here's what I suspect happened: You pasted "song page one" into the Lyrics tab. Then, you went to the Chords tab and clicked "Edit." Then you closed that window and went back to the Lyrics tab and added "song page two." After the initial import of Lyrics into the Chords tab, these two tabs are completely independent of each other, which is why the addition of "song page two" did not apply to the Chords tab.
I hope that makes sense. As long as you create your songs in the right order, everything should work quickly and efficiently.
Please reference
https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us/docs/78-editing-songs for more information