August 17, 2023
So Presenter has had the ability to receive MIDI triggers for a while now, which is cool. Actions in external applications or controllers can trigger cues, such as slide changes or whatever. But what about the other way around? I'm looking for ways to make things extremely simple for volunteers and so I would like slide changes to trigger actions in other programs. For example, when a volunteer clicks on the "welcome" slide LightKey receives a trigger for the stage lights to change.
Lots of other programs support MIDI in and out and it would open up a lot of possibilities for us Tech Directors to streamline things for volunteers, especially those of us with smaller teams!
August 22, 2023
This would help our church out. It would cut down on the amount of work for Sunday mornings and also on the number of people required.
September 17, 2023
I’ll second this we need midi output for lights etc.
December 3, 2023
Yes this would be nice. It would mean that the MIDI out can also trigger scene changes in OBS.
December 13, 2023
I am all for this, I’m looking to step away from ProPrsenter just due to the ability to build services remotely from home/ multiple people working on different sections/services at the same time!!!
January 12, 2024
This would be a really cool feature to add in MusicStand, specifically when it comes to sending a midi clock of the tap tempo out - this way for any instrumentalist using time-based effects, it would allow us to sync the tap-tempo on our midi-enabled pedals up with the tap tempo of each song :)
January 13, 2024
Jeremy, you probably know this, but Ableton Live does this with their Link feature. Our guitar player uses that wirelessly with his Quad Cortex! Works great.
January 13, 2024
Colton, I haven't delved too far into this but BandHelper was the last thing I was playing with. The thing is that the entire team has been using MusicStand and I wouldnt know how Ableton Live would fit into the picture...
January 13, 2024
I looked into it further and found a couple articles online but I don't see the toolbar menu to use or choose Ableton link to sync.
Also, how would you link this up to your actual pedals (and midi)?
April 9, 2024
Bumping this to see if we get more traction.
This is the single most important feature left for us to fully embrace Presenter. Implementing this would allow us to, among other things, let Presenter tell OBS when to change the scene, which would be HUGE for us.
I usually run services all by myself, and I end up having to have both a clicker (to advance slides) and a mobile phone (to control OBS remotely). If I could program OBS scene changes from Presenter, I wouldn't have to worry about that on the moment.