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Printing from Rehearse broken

May 10, 2022

Clicking the print icon on Rehearse is broken since today. Previously it was working fine. Clicking on it now shows an error on the console and the popup doesn't load any content.

main-es2015.3b03e0e61d16a9f7de7e.js:1 Error: Uncaught (in promise): t: {"code_":"storage/invalid-root-operation","message_":"Firebase Storage: The operation 'getMetadata' cannot be performed on a root reference, create a non-root reference using child, such as .child('file.png').","serverResponse_":null,"name_":"FirebaseError"}
at C (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:12322)
at polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:11412
at a (main-es2015.3b03e0e61d16a9f7de7e.js:1:1607968)
at l.invoke (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:6695)
at Object.onInvoke (main-es2015.3b03e0e61d16a9f7de7e.js:1:407929)
at l.invoke (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:6635)
at (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:2107)
at polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:13080
at l.invokeTask (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:7313)
at Object.onInvokeTask (main-es2015.3b03e0e61d16a9f7de7e.js:1:407847)
Posted by Madhan
May 11, 2022
Hi Madhan, can you specify which service this issue is occurring on? Or is it occurring on all your services?
Posted by WorshipTools
May 11, 2022

I logged in to Planning to check on your question and looks like the issue is resolved! I do not see the error I had pasted anymore and the consolidated PDF loads when clicking Print. Thanks for the quick fix :)

I do see other errors on the console, however they don't seem to be affecting the usage of the website on Chrome. I am including them below in case they are of use. It does seem like Cordova is trying to get loaded even though I am viewing this on desktop Chrome (MacOS)

main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling StatusBar.overlaysWebView, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling StatusBar.styleDefault, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling StatusBar.backgroundColorByName, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling AppVersion.getPackageName, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Native: tried calling FirebaseAnalytics.setCurrentScreen, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1 Error: Uncaught (in promise): cordova_not_available
at C (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:12322)
at polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:11412
at a (main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1:1608291)
at l.invoke (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:6695)
at Object.onInvoke (main-es2015.40ef6004d7c10bfe4f6e.js:1:408067)
at l.invoke (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:6635)
at (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:2107)
at polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:13080
at l.invokeTask (polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1:7313)

In addition, I see the following i18n error as well, but again doesn't seem to be affecting anything on the site. So including it FYI

polyfills-es2015.cc517e87c3467fdd26d8.js:1 GET 404
Posted by Madhan
May 11, 2022
Hi Again,

Apologies but I managed to simulate the issue.

I have added 3 songs to a service. All 3 are from CCLI SongSelect. When I try to click on Print they work fine.

When I attach Lead Sheets as attachments to the songs and then select the lead sheets as PDF for a song, clicking on Print breaks and shows the error I mentioned. If I switch it back to the Chord Sheet, all works fine. However selecting the lead sheet attachment and clicking on Print throws the error above.

Hope that enough to help debug. If not I can jump on a Zoom call to show you the issue as well.

Posted by Madhan
May 12, 2022
Hi Madhan,

Thank you for that last bit of information. We were able to find the bug and fix it. PDFs should be printing properly under the Rehearse tab now.
Posted by WorshipTools
May 12, 2022

Thank you very much! Happy you fixed it! I tried now and can verify that it works flawlessly!

Thanks for the quick fix guys!! Appreciate it a lot!

Posted by Madhan
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