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Chord chart and sheet music app for mobile and web. Надзвичайно простий у використанні та на 100% безкоштовний!

Часті запитання

Is Charts really free?

Yes, the Charts app is 100% free. A CCLI® SongSelect® subscription is required to access chord sheets and lyrics from SongSelect. A free SongSelect subscription can be obtained at songselect.ccli.com to access public domain chord charts and lyrics. Upgrade your subscription to access all charts and lyrics.

You can use the Charts app without a SongSelect subscription by adding your own songs.

How do I add my musicians to Charts?

From the app, go to Settings > Users & Permissions. Or add them via Planning.

Will my changes sync with Presenter and Planning?

Yes, songs added in Charts will be available to display in Presenter, Planning and vice versa.

How many musicians can I add to Charts?

Unlimited with WorshipTools Pro Plus, 30 with WorshipTools Pro and 10 with WorshipTools Free.

Can I add my own charts and songs?

Yes, you can add songs as PDFs or ChordPro®. PDFs and ChordPro can be uploaded in the Charts app or in a browser with Planning.

Still have questions?

Reach out to the WorshipTools user community.

Charts by WorshipTools

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Charts is available for iOS, Android and web.

Launch browser version